Monday, September 19, 2005

Goings on & God's peace

I am in my last full week at Westside (with 10 days left) and a lot of "junk" has been going on lately. Over this past week we have found out that some lies are being spread that make our leaving sound that much more needed. People are asking questions about why we were asked to leave and they are being given lies - man that hurts so bad. (esp. when some of the lies are that I would not talk to a kid about baptism or return a concerned parent's repeated phone calls, not to mention that I was trying to control the youth ministry by not allowing anyone else to help) ugggghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the middle of all this is God, reminding me of His love and plan. He has shown me through a friend (who recently came through a 6 month search period) who reminded that when God takes you away from something it is because He has something better in store. He has reminded me that I am not called to make the staff happy, but rather to bring glory and honor to God.

Thankfully, despite all the "junk" going on, I am able to sleep at night knowing that God knows the truth and God is there with us taking us through it all and leading us to the place He has in store for us.


  1. Hi, Mike...

    Sorry to hear about all the lying and "junk" going on. Just wanted to say I'm keeping you guys and the job thing in my prayers.

    Hang in there... God is working!

  2. Thanks. It is just tough to talk to and be around those that I know are saying stuff about me that makes me look bad (and they dont' know I know - and I haven't said anything to them yet). If the stuff was just opinion that would be different, but this is stuff about my character.

  3. Well, you could always summon some bears to maul them... Or was that a one-time deal? :)

  4. Sigh.........

    Simultaneously ridiculous and sad. Well, look at it this way......on to better things.
