Monday, October 01, 2007

to quote someone else: Stalin (evangelism)

"A million deaths is a statistic, one death is a tragedy."
Stalin quoted by Richard Stearns (Pres. of World Vision) in an interview

Now, think of that quote in terms of the lost. It isn't until we see the unsaved as people instead of statistics that we'll be pushed to do something. We hear all the time about there being millions of unsaved people in the world, but does that really spur us to action? But when you have a friend or family member who doesn't have a saving relationship with Jesus - its a whole new ballgame.

Maybe we need to stop talking about the big numbers and start focusing on those around us. We need to help our students (ourselves, too?) see the need to save the one.

What do you do to help students feel the "tragedy" and not the "statistic?"

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