Monday, July 16, 2007

First Wedding and a Funeral

This last week has been a series of firsts for me. Really 2 firsts and one second (but it was 5 years in between, so I'm counting it for this post).

Last Saturday I officiated my first wedding (in 5 years). It was my first outside wedding, my first wedding for a family member, and my first wedding with absolutely no dress rehearsal. It was a beautiful wedding and I enjoyed being able to be a part of it. (esp. since it was for my sister) I don't think I'll be a part of a wedding quite like it again anytime soon. I was not only the minister performing the ceremony, but I also: helped prepare the food, helped set up, clean up, and I found the groom's ring in the grass after it fell off the horseshoe ring carriers about 20 minutes before the wedding.

Yesterday was two firsts for me. I was asked to perform the funeral for a friend's mother. First time I've ever done a funeral. It was also the first time for a completely graveside service. I have to say I was pretty nervous about it. The service went well and I didn't mess up too bad. I talked with the funeral director and went over the order of service about 40 minutes before the service started. It was supposed to be 2 songs, scripture/prayer, song (family put flowers in casket), obituary, song, message, song, prayer. Things were going smoothly until the 3rd song, and the cd player wouldn't play. So I was supposed to read the obituary, but instead I went straight to the message. As I was finishing up the message, I thought "man, I skipped the obituary." So after I prayed, they played the song for the family to put flowers in the casket (it was an open casket the entire service). Then I read the obituary and then another song. Then I prayed and that was it.

So no one knew I messed up. I just felt really bad about not getting things exactly right.

The 3rd first came during the pre-service meal yesterday. I ended up talking to some of the family for a bit about some other (non related to the funeral) issues. It was an impromptu counseling session. I've never done a counseling session like it before. And I have a feeling I might be doing some more talking to the family this week.

It is just a bit overwhelming to have all of these ministry firsts happening all at once. Thankfully, I know God has equipped me to handle them and He helped me through it all.

Have you ever been through a time like this, where everything seemed to happen at once?

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