Monday, July 02, 2007

ArkAlmighty: ARK recap

(Here's a picture of Evan watching the van while we walked around town)

Saturday we held our ARK Day (Acts of Random Kindness). As I mentioned here and here, we went around town performing kind deeds. It was planned, but there randomness involved. The random part was about who we helped. We didn't plan on helping "so and so", but rather on doing certain things for whoever might be there.

Here's what we ended up doing:
1. picked up trash around town
2. hung doorknob hangers (from the ARK Kit)
3. gave away water and popsicles (around town & at the ballfields)
4. bought flowers for residents at nursing home
5. put quarters in laundry machines at laundry mat
6. bought boxes of detergent & fabric softener for people
7. paid for people's groceries
8. paid for people's gas

It was a great day. There were a few people who would not let us buy their gas and a few who didn't want us to pay for their groceries. But the majority of people were surprised and appreciative. One lady, whom I had never met, even gave me a hug after we paid for her gas.

I think all of us who participated were blessed by being involved. We made some contacts with people. More people know we want to help and are wanting to make a difference in our community. I'm praying people will remember our church when they have a problem or need some help.

Here are a few more pictures:

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