A lot of interesting and fun stuff on Twitter this week, and I only see such a small portion of the entire thing.
1. BtotheEtotheN (Ben Boles) shares with us a great moment he was able to share with a former student. This is one of the things that makes a youth minister almost forget the tough days.
putting finishing touches on a wedding ceremony for tomorrow, the bride asked me to do her wedding 7 yrs ago, can't believe it's here!
2. wuske (Shawn Wuske) summed up his thoughts about an upcoming lock-in using percentages. The only problem is that we're left wondering about the 28%.
I'm about to leave for the lock-in. 40% of me puking, 30% chance of me crying, and 2% chance of me getting stabbed.
3. MarkMatlock (Mark Matlock) provided a link to a story that reminds us that some teenagers are really hurting. (The author of the article is not a fan of God, or so it seems)
Parent Of The Year Awards (sadly, not for great parenting) Mom drugs daughter to impregnate her ... so sad. http://tinyurl.com/luazd9
4. HolidayWorld (Holiday World) says that the announcement for their new addition for 2010 will come in 2 weeks. I'm hoping for the addition of a "Groundhog Day Village", but my gut tells me its going to be a ride in the Thanksgiving section.
Will is telling our staff of directors about our addition for 2010; we're all sworn to secrecy. Public announcement is August 13.
5. tspencer (Travis Spencer) linked to a story about a lady getting sued for a thoughtless comment on her twitter account. Be mindful of what you say about companies, make sure you aren't making stuff up.
be careful tweets: http://cbs2chicago.com/loca...
6. dbeckner (Dennis Beckner) experienced a little role reversal while eating lunch with a former student. This is a situation that youth ministers dream about. :)
Ordering lunch with a former student. Realized I forgot my wallet. That's a switch. Usually I get stuck w/ the bill.
What did you learn from Twitter this week?
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