Monday, June 07, 2010

Movie Review: Read & Share Bible (Life & Miracles) DVD

As I watched the Read and Share Bible: Life and Miracles DVD with my family, one thing stood out to me. As a parent and a youth minister, I really liked the fact that each story flowed with the others. Watching this DVD helps kids get a better understanding of how each story in the Bible goes with the one before and the one after. The continuous action reinforces to those watching the movie that the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one big continual story broken up into smaller stories.

But this strength also leads to the one negative I have about the movie. There are a few times that the movie takes a creative look at aspects of the stories not specifically mentioned in the Bible. There are moments when we see Judas being shown in a part of the story not talked about in Scripture. In other stories, there is added dialogue that is not written down in the Gospels. Is it something that Jesus or the disciples might have said, definitely. But I'd be careful to just let kids watch this movie without explaining that to them. There is no need for kids to grow up thinking this is all written in the Bible, when some of it is merely human imagination.

**I reviewed this DVD as part of the BookSneeze review program**

1 comment:

  1. I think this review is very insightful. I think it serves very well as a look into the DVD for many parents who are skeptical of educational DVDs. You never want to expose young children to images which can taint their view of life or give them a false image of the Bible. I think it's very good that the DVD maintains scriptures, however, I think parents should ensure to fill their kids in on the areas the DVD lacks to explain. I would suggest families to have a small discussion after the DVD to share each other's thoughts, and give an opportunity for parents to expand on the themes of the videos.
