Thursday, September 08, 2005

controversial baptism

Sunday was a great day! As I posted before, I was able to take part in a baptism for one of our teens. She has been coming to our youth group for about a year now. She came to me a week or so ago and said she was wanting to be baptized. We talked about baptism, about what it means to give your life to Christ. We talked about how once you are a "believer" you are called to live a higher lifestyle.

So, I've had these comments from a few people about her baptism. Apparently, people are hearing rumors that she is a lesbian. Some people are a little concerned that she can't be baptized because of this fact. I am a bit frustrated because it seems like this particular "sin" (though I am not sure she is actually sinning in this area - based on conversations I've had with her and the fact that I don't think she is actually participating in the act of homosexuality) constitutes a higher level of criticism.

The sad part is that because we are leaving in 3 weeks, I don't know what will happen after we leave. I pray she won't be bombbarded by people's criticisms.

just wanted to share. Any of you dealt this type of situation before? If so, please share some ideas and thoughts.



  1. Hey, Mike...

    Its sad how judgemental people can be. People think you can't be a Christian if you're struggling with that particular sin.

    They say, "Well, the Bible says blah blah," and, yes, the Bible says its wrong. But the Bible lists a lot of sins that most people aren't so worried about.

    Proverbs 23:2

    "...and put a knife to your throat
    if you are given to gluttony."

    I've been in a lot of churches where it was very obvious that the elders or people on the ministry staff were struggling with that particular sin, and nobody said "But he can't be a Christian! He's fat!"

    When people say things like these, I think its good to remember that Jesus said "Its not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick."

    We're not required to, or even advised to, "clean up our acts" before coming to God. That's HIS job! :)

  2. Yeah, it is tough because most people will focus on this "worse" sin and make an issue. Thankfully, though, there has been nothing public or even said toward her. Its just been qusetions/thougghts directed my way. THere are even other people I know of who support her and her decision, so I am praying for those relationships to grow after we leave.
