answer #153 - Germany (Which country is credited with starting the Christmas tree tradition?)
question #154 - How many presents would you get if you got all of the presents in the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas?"
This weekly trivia is provided for use within your youth ministry. You can use this random trivia in many ways: use it to start a conversation with a student, add it to your introduction for your lesson or message, include it in your next newsletter or email, or just randomly insert it into your daily conversations. No matter how you decide to use it, I hope this trivia knowledge can be beneficial within your youth ministry.
If you have any suggestions on topics you would like to see used for the trivia questions, just leave a comment and let me know.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Trivia Wednesday #154: 12 Days of Christmas
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Labels: trivia, Trivia Wednesday
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Best of '09: Blog Posts
The year 2009 A.D. is almost over. The past 12 months have brought with them many new things; some good, some bad, and some not worth mentioning. I would like to take some time and highlight some of my favorite parts of 2009. I will call this list the "best of '09" - which simply means that, in my opinion, these are the best items in a certain category. I fully expect you to disagree with some of my choices or to be upset I did not add other items to the list. If you feel this way, please add your "best of '09" ideas in the comments.
The fifth list will be blog posts. This will be a list of my favorite posts from this site, there are simply too many from other people to go into that list. These are the posts I liked the best, sparked discussion or simply got the most traffic. This list is in no particular order.
5 Ways to use the Super Bowl in Youth Ministry - I shared five ways to use the Super Bowl in your youth ministry. Maybe you could use these tips this year.
It's Not About You - A reminder that your current situation may not be about you.
5 Things that would have been great April Fool's Day jokes (had they not been real) - Just a fun list of products that would be funny if they were not actual products.
You Might be a Youth Worker if... - a startling revelation from a conversation with a student.
Finding Rest in the Summer - a few tips on how to find rest during the busy summer months.
An Open Letter to Youth Ministry Search Teams - I wrote this to the many search teams looking for a youth minister. I hope search teams read it and make needed adjustments.
Life, Death, & the Uncertainty of it All - A reflection on the shortness of life and what God promises to those who love him.
6 Saddest Verses in the Bible - a quick look at some sad verses in Scripture.
Youth Ministry Budgeting Series - a 5 part series with tips and thoughts on improving your youth ministry budget.
5 Year Youth Ministry Contract Series - some thoughts on what would happen if youth ministers signed a 5 year contract.
Other posts in this series:
Best of '09 - Music
Best of '09 - Youth Ministry Books
Best of '09 - Non-Ministry Books
Best of '09 - Websites
Best of '09 - Blog posts
Best of '09 - Web Apps
Best of '09 - Ministry Moments
Best of '09 - Random Favorites
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Labels: best of '09, culture, God, ministry, ministry search, students, youth ministry, youth ministry budgeting, Youth Ministry Thoughts, youth ministry tips
Monday, December 28, 2009
Best of '09: Websites
The year 2009 A.D. is almost over. The past 12 months have brought with them many new things; some good, some bad, and some not worth mentioning. I would like to take some time and highlight some of my favorite parts of 2009. I will call this list the "best of '09" - which simply means that, in my opinion, these are the best items in a certain category. I fully expect you to disagree with some of my choices or to be upset I did not add other items to the list. If you feel this way, please add your "best of '09" ideas in the comments.
The fourth list will be websites. These are the sites I used the most this past year. This list is in no particular order.
Facebook - Now, if I have to explain why I use this site then you must not be involved with youth ministry or on the internet very much. A great site to connect with students, old high school and college friends and family.
Google - I use a lot of online Google applications. My two most used are Docs and gmail. I have a Wave account (I'd love to connect if you are on wave, too), but its fairly new and still in Beta, so I do not get too much use out of it.
Pandora - Simply a great site for listening to music. For me, its a much better alternative to buying a bunch of CD's or mp3's.
Twitter - A simple way to stay in touch with friends (and like minded people) all over the world. If you can't say it in 140 characters, then you don't need to say it on Twitter.
Blogger - I use Blogger for my blog. I know there are other alternatives, especially WordPress, but I just have not moved to anything yet. Blogger has everything I need. And to be honest, it probably helps me keep the blog fairly simple.
Youth Ministry Websites
YMToday - A great site for finding a wide assortment of youth ministry material. The site is filled with articles, tips, games, and much more. If you are in youth ministry, you need to check this site out. (disclosure - I do have a few articles published on the site)
YMX - Again, this is a great site with an assortment of useful material. The best part of YMX is the forums. The best youth ministry forums out there. A great place to connect and talk about youth ministry (or anything else) with other youth ministry people.
YouthMinBlog - Hear from a wide spectrum of youth ministry voices on a single topic. Each week, the authors discuss a single topic from their own personal perspectives. I was a fan of the site before I became a contributing author, so I'm not saying its a good site because I have articles on it - I'm saying its a good site despite my stuff.
What websites did you use the most in 2009?
Other posts in this series:
Best of '09 - Music
Best of '09 - Youth Ministry Books
Best of '09 - Non-Ministry Books
Best of '09 - Websites used
Best of '09 - Blog posts
Best of '09 - Web Apps
Best of '09 - Ministry Moments
Best of '09 - Random Favorites
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Labels: best of '09, Facebook, ministry, music, technology, Twitter, youth ministry, youth ministry tips
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Oh Christmas Troy - a late Christmas video
I wanted to post this yesterday for Christmas, but I forgot (because I was enjoying time with my family - like you should have been).
So, here it is, "Oh Christmas Troy," from the end of the last Community episode.
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Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!
I hope you have a great and restful day today with your family.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Trivia Wednesday #153: Origin of the Christmas Tree
answer #152 - June 26, 1870 (When was Christmas declared a federal holiday in the US?)
question #153 - Which country is credited with starting the Christmas tree tradition?
This weekly trivia is provided for use within your youth ministry. You can use this random trivia in many ways: use it to start a conversation with a student, add it to your introduction for your lesson or message, include it in your next newsletter or email, or just randomly insert it into your daily conversations. No matter how you decide to use it, I hope this trivia knowledge can be beneficial within your youth ministry.
If you have any suggestions on topics you would like to see used for the trivia questions, just leave a comment and let me know.
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Labels: trivia, Trivia Wednesday
Monday, December 21, 2009
Best of '09: Books
The year 2009 A.D. is almost over. The past 12 months have brought with them many new things; some good, some bad, and some not worth mentioning. I would like to take some time and highlight some of my favorite parts of 2009. I will call this list the "best of '09" - which simply means that, in my opinion, these are the best items in a certain category. I fully expect you to disagree with some of my choices or to be upset I did not add other items to the list. If you feel this way, please add your "best of '09" ideas in the comments.
The third list will be books, any book not fitting in the youth ministry category. These are the best books I read this year. Like the youth ministry books, they may not all be new in 2009, but this was the year I got around to reading them. This list is in no particular order and will not include every good book I read this year, just a list of my top reads - the ones I think you would benefit from reading.
Called to Worship by Vernon Whaley - This is a pretty thick book and will take a little while to read, but it is well worth your time. The book takes a look at worship in every section of Scripture, sometimes book by book. I highly recommend you read this book. Here is my review of Called to Worship from earlier this year.
Simply Christian by N.T. Wright - I've had this book for a few years and finally got around to reading it this year. A truly, thought-provoking book, filled with in-depth insight and observations. Here is my review of Simply Christian from earlier this year.
Fresh Start by Doug Fields - This book is full of great insight into what it takes to make a fresh start in your life. It is a pretty easy read and would be a great addition to your reading list. Here is my review of Fresh Start from earlier this year.
Treasured by Leigh McLeroy - This has to be the surprise book of the year for me. I did not expect much out of it, but I was completely wrong! A few of the first chapters really stood out to me and helped bring a fresh light to some of my life circumstances. You will want to put this on your reading list for 2010. Here is my review of Treasured from earlier this year.
Like the music and youth ministry book lists, there are some items not on this list that were big this year. Some of them (like Outliers by Gladwell) I want to read, but just haven't. Add your favorite books from 2009 in the comments and let us know what books we need to pick up and read.
Other posts in this series:
Best of '09 - Music
Best of '09 - Youth Ministry Books
Best of '09 - Non-Ministry Books
Best of '09 - Websites used
Best of '09 - Blog posts
Best of '09 - Web Apps
Best of '09 - Ministry Moments
Best of '09 - Random Favorites
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Labels: best of '09, books, leadership, ministry
Friday, December 18, 2009
Best of '09: Youth Ministry Books
The year 2009 A.D. is almost over. The past 12 months have brought with them many new things; some good, some bad, and some not worth mentioning. I would like to take some time and highlight some of my favorite parts of 2009. I will call this list the "best of '09" - which simply means that, in my opinion, these are the best items in a certain category. I fully expect you to disagree with some of my choices or to be upset I did not add other items to the list. If you feel this way, please add your "best of '09" ideas in the comments.
The second list will be youth ministry books. These are the best youth ministry related books I read this year. They may not all be new in 2009, but this was the year I got around to reading them. This list is in no particular order and will not include every good book I read this year, just a list of my top reads - the ones I found most helpful.
Youth Ministry 3.0 by Mark Oestreicher - I picked up this book in 2008, but did not actually get around to reading it until early this year. Oestreicher writes about many of the struggles and thoughts felt by many youth workers around the country. Whether you agree with everything int he book (and you won't), you need to read it and be challenged to see youth ministry from a different angle. Here is my review of Youth Ministry 3.0.
Help! I'm a Frustrated Youth Worker! by Steve Case - This book is small and easy to read. Most youth workers will relate to the frustrations Case writes about. I recommend reading this book, even if you only need a reminder that your situation is not "that bad." Here is my review of Help! I'm a Frustrated Youth Worker.
Speaking to Teenagers by Doug Fields and Duffy Robbins - Doug and Duffy have written a great resource for anyone who speaks to teenagers. This book is packed with useful information and helpful tips. Here is my review of Speaking to Teenagers.
99 Thoughts for Youth Workers by Josh Griffin - This little book has a lot of great thoughts inside. Josh collected his thoughts on youth ministry, which were written in journals, on napkins (I'm guessing a few of these were once on a napkin), and from his blog. This is especially useful if you are new to youth ministry or feel like you are stuck in a rut. Here is my review of 99 Thoughts for Youth Workers.
The New Breed by Jonathan McKee and Thomas McKee - I'm actually only 2/3 of the way through this book, but so far I think it is a great read. Every youth worker, who works with volunteers, needs to read this book and apply the principles.
As you can see, I spent a lot of time this year catching up on youth ministry books that I had not read. Expect to see some 2009 releases in the 2010 "best of" list, as I am sure I'll get them read by then.
What youth ministry books would you add to this list? (or what books should I add to my 2010 reading list?)
Other posts in this series:
Best of '09 - Music
Best of '09 - Youth Ministry Books
Best of '09 - Non-Ministry Books
Best of '09 - Websites used
Best of '09 - Blog posts
Best of '09 - Web Apps
Best of '09 - Ministry Moments
Best of '09 - Random Favorites
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Labels: best of '09, books, leadership, ministry, resources, youth coaches, youth ministry
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Trivia Wednesday #152: Christmas as a federal holiday
answer #151 - To compete with a pagan holiday. There were already pagan holidays celebrating the Winter Solstice. (Why was December 25th chosen as Christmas Day?)
question #152 - When was Christmas declared a federal holiday in the US?
This weekly trivia is provided for use within your youth ministry. You can use this random trivia in many ways: use it to start a conversation with a student, add it to your introduction for your lesson or message, include it in your next newsletter or email, or just randomly insert it into your daily conversations. No matter how you decide to use it, I hope this trivia knowledge can be beneficial within your youth ministry.
If you have any suggestions on topics you would like to see used for the trivia questions, just leave a comment and let me know.
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Labels: trivia, Trivia Wednesday
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Book Review: Primal by Mark Batterson
Have you ever really given any thought to the command to love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength? This is precisely the backdrop for Mark Batterson's new book, Primal: A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity. Batterson wonders what Christianity would look like if we all truly loved God with compassion, wonder, curiosity, and power. As you read chapter after chapter, you will begin to see small and not-so-small ways that your life should be transformed by living the Great Commandment by loving God with every aspect of your life.
Primal is broken down into four sections, each digging deeper into the heart, soul, mind, and strength of Christianity. Each chapter flows with personal stories, scientific information, historical case studies, Scripture, and application. Even when he is writing about the intricate details of beta waves and alpha waves, Batterson writes with simplicity. This simplicity does not lead to less impact, rather I believe it pushes you in the opposite direction. You will not be able to read Batterson's thoughts without being challenged and stretched in your understanding of what it means to love God.
As you live out the Great Commandment, remember these words by Oswald Chambers (quoted by Batterson in the final paragraphs of the book); "Let God be as original with other people as He is with you." The way you love God will not be the same way your friend loves God. And that is the point - God created you to be unique and you need to be willing to love God as only you can and allow others to love God as only they can.
My advice (rating) – go out and buy it (4.5 out of 5)
(This was book was provided for review by WaterBrook Multnomah.)
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Labels: Book Review, books, God
Monday, December 14, 2009
Best of '09: Music
The year 2009 A.D. is almost over. The past 12 months have brought with them many new things; some good, some bad, and some not worth mentioning. I would like to take some time and highlight some of my favorite parts of 2009. I will call this list the "best of '09" - which simply means that, in my opinion, these are the best items in a certain category. I fully expect you to disagree with some of my choices or to be upset I did not add other items to the list. If you feel this way, please add your "best of '09" ideas in the comments.
The first list will be music. These are the best albums I heard this year, for the first time. They may not all be new in 2009, but this was the first time the songs have reached my ears. This list is in no particular order, and will not include a long explanation of why. I am not going to attempt to persuade you of each album's greatness, you'll just have to listen to it yourself.
Brandon Heath "Don't Get Comfortable" - Last year at the NYWC, in Nashville, I got to hear a little of Brandon's music. But I got to hear a lot of people speak very highly of it, so when I got the chance I picked up his first album. It has been one of my favorites all year. I am wanting to pick up his new stuff, but just haven't gotten around to it. (I know, I'm a little behind on this one)
Kutless "It Is Well: A Worship Album" - I picked up this album without ever hearing anything from it, because their first worship album "Strong Tower" has been one of my favorite albums over the last few years. I think Kutless does a fantastic job taking worship music and making it their own. I have really enjoyed this album, it has been a great source of encouragement.
Francesca Battistelli "My Paper Heart" - This album was picked up because I was looking to get something for my wife. A student had told me this was a great album and I needed to listen to it. So I picked up the CD. I'm glad I did. My wife really likes her sound and has listened to the CD repeatedly. And, I have to admit that I think its a really good collection of music.
You will notice there are some "big" absences to this list (even for the "Christian" music industry). I have not heard any of Tomlin's new stuff, nor Crowder's, nor Owl City, nor any of a number of great music out there. I am not saying its not good music, but as I have not listened to it all, I can make no comment of it being the Best of '09. I would love to hear what music you would add to this list...
Other posts in this series:
Best of '09 - Music
Best of '09 - Youth Ministry Books
Best of '09 - Non-Ministry Books
Best of '09 - Websites
Best of '09 - Blog posts
Best of '09 - Web Apps
Best of '09 - Ministry Moments
Best of '09 - Random Favorites
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Labels: best of '09, music
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Trivia Wednesday #151: Christmas on Dec. 25th
answer #150 - In the 4th Century. (When was the first Christmas celebrated?)
question #151 - Why was December 25th chosen as Christmas Day?
This weekly trivia is provided for use within your youth ministry. You can use this random trivia in many ways: use it to start a conversation with a student, add it to your introduction for your lesson or message, include it in your next newsletter or email, or just randomly insert it into your daily conversations. No matter how you decide to use it, I hope this trivia knowledge can be beneficial within your youth ministry.
If you have any suggestions on topics you would like to see used for the trivia questions, just leave a comment and let me know.
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Labels: trivia, Trivia Wednesday
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Book Review: God Gave Us series by Lisa Tawn Bergren
The God Gave Us series of books are short children's stories that share a big message. Right now there are five books in the series: God Gave Us You, God Gave Us Two, God Gave Us Christmas, God Gave Us Heaven, and God Gave Us Love. Each book starts with Little Cub asking a question about something big, like who invented Christmas? Then she and her mom go on an adventure to find an answer to the question.
Each book is filled with pages of wonderfully drawn and colorful artwork. In fact, the artwork would convey a great story even without the words to explain it. Even though the artwork is high quality and the story is fun to read, it is the message of God's love that shines the brightest. As a parent, it is the biblical message that I love the most about these books.
If you are looking for a book that has a great message and is fun to read, pick up one of the God Gave Us books and you will not be disappointed.
My advice (rating) – borrow from a friend (3 out of 5)
(This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.)
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Labels: Book Review, books
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Trivia Wednesday #150: The First Christmas Celebration
answer #149 - Benjamin Franklin (Which Founding Father wanted the turkey to be the national bird?)
question #150 - When was the first Christmas celebrated?
*correction to the question #149, it should have read "Founding Father" and not "President"
This weekly trivia is provided for use within your youth ministry. You can use this random trivia in many ways: use it to start a conversation with a student, add it to your introduction for your lesson or message, include it in your next newsletter or email, or just randomly insert it into your daily conversations. No matter how you decide to use it, I hope this trivia knowledge can be beneficial within your youth ministry.
If you have any suggestions on topics you would like to see used for the trivia questions, just leave a comment and let me know.
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Labels: trivia, Trivia Wednesday
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Book Review: Treasured by Leigh McLeroy
My first impression of Treasured was that this was going to be another gift book. I do not usually like gift books, so I was not really looking forward to reading this book. Then I got the book and saw it was 190 pages and void of pictures - two signs it is not a gift book, in my opinion.
As I started reading the first chapter on "The Fig Leaf: The God Who Covers Me," it was confirmed to me that this was not going to be a gift book. The premise of the book is that we can learn about God by looking at the small items he has used in the past. McLeroy starts by sharing the story of her grandfather's box, which she received in the mail after his death. The box contained small items that were special to her grandfather. Just as she was able to know her grandfather better by looking at these items, we can know God by looking at the small things he might keep in his memory box.
McLeroy writes about 12 various Bible stories, such as the fall, the near-sacrifice of Isaac, and Balaam's donkey. Woven between the points of each story is a personal story from the pages of McLeroy's life. This openness makes the book real. I was truly engaged from the introduction til the final period.
I recommend Treasured for anyone who needs reminded of God's overarching love for them. God treasures you more than anything else and reading this book will provide the evidence needed to cement that fact into your memory. Personally, I was encouraged and challenged as I read through these pages. There were a few specific parts of Treasured that were exactly what I needed to read during a specific situation. Go ahead and pick up a copy of Treasured, you'll be glad you did.
My advice (rating) – go out and buy it (4.5 out of 5)
(This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.)
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Labels: Book Review, books, God