Well, today was a huge day for me. No, it wasn't because I started a new ministry. No, it wasn't because I was offered a new ministry. In fact it had nothing to do with ministry.
Yesterday, during a call with some friends something (from God) about a job came up. This particular friend of ours has her own dental practice. She was looking about needing to fill a certain position and asked if I would be interested in working there until I found something. Now, I won't be making near as much as I would in a ministry. but it is a good bit more than I would be making without it.
God has opened this door to help sustain us through some difficult time. This job will cover less than half of what our current budget is per month. But what a blessing it is to have it at all!
Today I also got some encouragement in the form of an email. What makes this email so special is that it came from a sr. minister at a church in which I had applied for and did not get the job. He was thinking about me and the situation I am in and had been praying for me and wanted to see how things were going. What an encouragement to hear those thoughts/prayers from someone who could have easily thrown my information in the trash and forgotten about me.
Monday, November 28, 2005
God's providing
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
the boys on the floor
A fun picture of my two little guys. This is the reason I love to be able to stay home all the time (them and my wife :))
Nathan loves his little brother. Wes doesn't really know what is going on :)
I love spending time with them.
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
The end of the search...
well, the first phase. I just got a letter from the last church from the first phase of searching. They are going to be going with someone else.
I really don't know what to say. I have so many emotions running through my head.
I do know that we are trusting God to provide and even with my severence coming to an end, I know He is providing. All I can ask for is continued prayer. I have struggled with the fear that maybe something won't come up. Am I still supposed to be a ym? (it has only been 4 years).
Thanks for the prayers.
ps. if you know of any churches looking, please if you could pass it on :)
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Friday, November 11, 2005
trust and the job front
Still nothing on the job front. Well, I can't say nothing. I am waiting to hear from one church (after I visited and interviewed a couple weeks ago). And I just heard back from another church. Not sure how I feel about their reasoning for not moving forward with me, but hey I don't agree with the reasoning of those that let me go of my last job.
There are a few other opportunities out there and plenty of God taking care of my family. I know, based on how things have gone so far this Sabbatical, that God is here with me through this entire situation.
I just wish I could say there was a new job lined up. But then again, that is my timeframe :)
It is weird that with being home, I don't feel like doing a lot of typing or writing. I miss parts of work and then again I am really able to enjoy this time at home with my family (not going to get this opportunity again until I retire).
If you have been praying for the job hunt - thanks!
one fear I have - when I do go back to work, will it take me a long time to get back in the swing of things? Or will my passion and desire for ministry kick in again (not that it's gone now)?
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Sunday, November 06, 2005
Nathan the Elephant
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Saturday, November 05, 2005
Proud new daddy Pic
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Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Going Trick or Treating again
How fun it was to go trick or treating with my son for the first time. He looked so cute in his elephant costume.
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