Monday, June 08, 2009

VBS: Unspoken thoughts

Summer is VBS season for churches. If you are a youth minister or children's minister, you understand this yearly tradition all too well. In honor of this long-time ministry tradition, I thought I'd share some unspoken thoughts going through the ministers or directors mind. This is what they are really thinking. :)

Pre-VBS - full of excitement. "I can't wait for VBS to get here, this year is going to be better than last year."

Week before VBS - still excited. "I can't wait for VBS to get here, I'm getting tired of planning and waiting."

VBS day 1 - full of excitement. "I'm so excited VBS is finally starting."

VBS day 2 - excited. "I am happy the kids really seem to be enjoying everthing."

VBS day 3 - happy. "We're halfway through, I don't want this week to end."

VBS day 4 - getting tired. "I can't believe more kids show up each night."

VBS day 5 - running on empty. "Just have to make it through one more day."

VBS closing program - very tired. "I am so glad this is the last thing to do."

Post-VBS - completely exhausted. "I will never do that again."

a few months later and here is how the conversation goes....
Minister, "Do you want to direct VBS again next year?"
Director, "Sure, I'd love to."

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