On Sunday, my youngest son turned 1. What a great weekend.
This birthday is a crazy reminder for me. It was a month before he was born that we left our last church. So this first year of his life has been pretty crazy for our family. Yesterday was a good reminder of the faithfulness and love of God. I think it is probably good he won't remember all the craziness that was his first year of life. But you better believe his mom and dad will remind him of it. We want him to know how great God was and faithful to provide for us throughout the tough times.
I am thankful to have two healthy boys and a wonderful congregation in which I get to minsiter.
Be thankful today for the little things, like food on the table and people who love you.
Monday, October 30, 2006
1st birthday
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Friday, October 27, 2006
the reason some people don't come to church.
So, what is homilophobia? The fear of sermons.
Are there really that many people afraid of sermons?
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
anyone have your name?
I just ran across this post and thought it would be fun to try myself. I always had a thought that there was no one else like me and now I have proof. Here is my results
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A little more refreshed today
Last night I spent some extra time alone with God. I read from the Message - a few Psalms and 1/2 Ecc. Reading through Ecc. was good for me right now. Sometimes it is not what we do, but what we remember. I was reminded last night of just how much my actions matter. On earth my actions will be soon forgotten. But if I am doing something that has eternal significance (sharing the Gospel, showing love, being a light for God in a dark world) then my actions will also be soon forgotten on earth - but in Heaven they will be soon celebrated. I am not supposed to live for myself.
Another cool thing happened last night when I was spending time with God. As I was sitting praying, one of my dogs came up to me and wanted to sit on my lap. (this is the dog pictures in my profile pic) At first I was a little annoyed because I wanted to not have that "distraction." But that thought was soon replaced with a comparison between my dog and me and me and God. Last night I just felt like I wanted/needed to curl up in God's lap and feel His loving touch. I just needed to be reassured of His love for me; not based on what I do or what others think about me. His loved based on who I am (His child) and a love that overcomes.
God is refreshing!
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tough week
This has been a tough week for me. We've just moved into a new house. So this means each evening is pretty well spent trying to put stuff away - thus realizing we have too much stuff and no place to put it. Also, this Sunday is my littlest boys 1st birthday. This means a party, thus the crazy cleaning so we can have the party at our house. My sr. minister's wife is sick with pneumonia this week, so that leaves me "in charge." (although this doesn't mean too much - at least yet) YOuth Sunday is this week. And not very many youth want to help (well, those that would are all gone on a soccer trip) so I feel torn with doing another one. I'm not a huge fan of them, I tend to think that the youth can be integrated into the regular services with the adults and they do not need their own "special" service. (and we have 4 a year) Also, in two weeks I am launching a Kids Worship (3-6 grade) and still need some adults to help.
Also, this week, one of my former students "ran" away from home. He was gone for a few days. I got an email from his mom this morning and he is back home. Praise God!
On top of all of this, I feel like I need a kickstart or boost or something. I just do not feel like doing much of the needed stuff this week. Maybe I need to just spend some time in prayer and Bible study tonight.
If you have any thoughts or ideas on how to get out of this groove or on the situation with the high schooler wanting to stay in the middle school class, please post a comment.
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no talk
Earlier I commented on a recent interaction b/w a Sunday School teacher and myself. Well, all last week this person was at the church helping to prepare for a wedding. Not a single time did this person come to my office, directly across the hall from where they were, or stop me to talk about hte situation.
Knowing this person and how confrontational they are, I'm not sure what to think. Was it really nothing, since the elders were not immediately on their side? Was it nothing when they heard what I had really said? Or was it really just a little fit? Or should I still wait for a confrontation?
I don't think it will come. But we'll see what happens this Sunday when the student is back and see what class they go to. I have not been able to get together to talk with this student about the situation yet (was even mostly avoided by this student at a fifth quarter this past Friday).
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
all the foundational stuff
I've spent a good bit of my time trying to focus on foundational parts of ministry. I've tried to develop relationships, try to understand the big picture, learn how things are working or not working, plan and vision, and plant seeds.
When does this foundational stuff ever end? Does it? Can I ever stop laying a foundation? Which parts are only done once and which parts need to be reinforced on a regular basis?
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