Monday, March 17, 2008

YM Resource: Invisible Bookshelf

Looking for a place to put those Bibles in the classroom? Or those information packets? Or that collection of cd's from the 80's? Look no further. Here is a fun idea for storing some of your stuff on the wall. It will also make a good project to work on with one or two of the students in the ministry, as well.

I want to do this, but I have to find the right place to put it first. I'll post pictures if/when I do it.


  1. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Câmera Digital, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  2. Yeah I saw this too and really liked it. Although it would be tough sacrificing one book. Maybe a concordance. Heck, even a hymnal in most churches!

  3. About sacrificing books, I'm sure if you asked the kids, they'd have plenty of books they didn't want/need anymore.

    If you have college students around, they'll certainly have old textbooks and whatnot that they want to get rid of. :)

  4. @ashorething the bottom book might be a tough decision, but I think Doug is right it might be best/easiest to find someone who is willing to let you use one of their books.

    @doug what about a magic book? those are thick and useless, right? :)

  5. Suddenly, I'm looking around my office with a whole new set of eyes! Seeking the scape-book...

  6. @theoquest I think I have a new favorite word: "scape-book"

  7. Dear Scape-book,

    You were bought with such hopes. A college student looking to pass Bio. Thrown around and lugged in a backpack, you were under appreciated. After graduation, you were oppressed yet again, placed on the top shelf: out of sight, out of mind. Now, you live another life: support for other books. You carry out your dreams through them, watching them take all the glory while you bear their weight attached to the wall. Thank you, Mr. Scape-book, for your sacrifice.

    Love, Brandon

  8. One book to lift them all, and in the wallspace hold them...

  9. @ashorething that brought a tear to my eye :*( Now I feel so bad for that book.

    @theoquest Yet, with your comment I am not reminded again of the parallel between this "weight carrying book" and the events surrounding Good Friday and Easter.

    (there's a stretch for an illustration for youth group)
