Saturday, September 26, 2009

Learned from Twitter: week ending Sept. 26, 2009

A few highlights from the last few weeks:

1. chadswanzy (Chad Swanzy) linked to a book on mentoring. If you are involved with teenagers, go check it out.

"The Be With Factor" Mentoring Students In Everyday Life is on Google Books
2. Drun (David Runnels) offered some great advice, that we all could stand to hear.
We need people who will encourage us, strenghten us so we can learn from our limitations.
3. BtotheEtotheN (Ben Boles) shared a thought on not letting all of the "noise" around you become overwhelming.
I realized last night, it's not about the amount of noise in your life but how well you control the volume
gavoweb (Gavin Richardson) pointed us to an article on working with parents.
Youth Ministry Today - Parents Are Your Friends
and also this video from AT&T about "future" technology, from 1993.

RT @Alyssa_Milano See the #technology AT&T envisioned 4 our future in commercials done back in 1993 // i remember these
5. DougFields (Doug Fields) has officially stepped down as a pastor at Saddleback. This will mean he'll be spending more of his time training and encouraging youth workers - that's a good thing.
My resignation from Saddleback is public & all good. If you're interested see
6. pattigibbons (Patti Gibbons) reminded me of one of the reasons I love going to the National Youth Workers Convention - getting to meet online friends in person. It's going to be a great week.
@lilkup you mean I'm finally going to get to meet you?! :)

What did you learn from Twitter this week?

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