Here are a few of the things I learned from my twitter friends this week:
1. MinistryAllies (Ministry Allies) offered an invitation to anyone willing to be part of an ebook by adding input and suggestions to the written content. If you would like to take part, let him know. (if you don't know how to contact him, I can get you connected)
Looking for ppl to add input to an eBook on hanging out w/ teens outside youth group, like what marko did with ym3.0. anyone want to help?
2. gavoweb (Gavin Richardson) shared a story from the AP on Dave Ramsey. I have to say some of the info in the article makes it harder to believe he is truly "saving as much as he can and giving as much as he can away" as 2 of the 3 things mentioned. (the third being "make as much as you can" and that seems to be covered). What do you think? Can it be a ministry when its a for profit business? Maybe part of me would like to see what % of profit gets sent to "missions or other ministries."
The Associated Press: Christian money guru gets rich mixing faith, funds
3. nywc (National Youth Workers Convention) was nice enough to inform anyone going to the Cincinnati convention about some lower rates at one of the hotels. BTW, I'll be at the Cincy convention and would love to connect with any of you who might also be there. Leave me a comment or send me an email and we'll get together.
Coming to Cincy? Check out the new rock bottom rate at the Westin.
4. zondervan (Zondervan) linked to a free download of "The Naked Gospel." Go check it out and read it. What can you lose, its free. :)
The Naked Gospel ranked as Zondervan's top selling book on Amazon. Download your FREE copy at w code "farley"
What did you learn from Twitter this week?
Thanks for the plug, I appreciate it!