Tuesday, November 06, 2007

NYWC: St Louis Day 7

The last day and a 1/2 was pretty full; therefore, I didn't get to post any updates. So, this will serve as a post on what the last 2 days of conference were like. (for some, this would be 1/2 of their convention).

Mark Riddle,
guy from Nova Scotia - who got a call from his wife while I was talking to him telling him that their power was back on,
Had dinner with Tim & Dana Schmoyer

Pretty much stayed inside the convention center all the time :)

It was tough to know it was ending and that the "real" world would be awaiting. But in the end, it has been a long week and I was really ready to get back to see my family.

I'll post more later - you know final thoughts, what I'll take away, what I'll miss (stuff like that)

and I'll try to get some pictures up, too

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