Thursday, March 08, 2007

Woman sues for child-rearing costs after failed abortion

Yeah, you read that right. Some woman in Boston is sueing over a failed abortion because her little girl has cost too much to raise.

I always thought sueing McDonalds over spilled coffee (which you spilled on yourself) was a little over the top. But I have now been proven wrong.

I pray the little girl, who is 2 now, hears about God's love for her. I pray the mom hears about God's love for her, too. Why would anyone do this? I hope it doesn't even go to court and it gets dismissed or the woman drops the suit.

I hope a church or two out in Boston tries to reach out to this family. This little girl needs to know God has a purpose for her and wants to know her and love her. On Sunday in the high school class we're talking about God's call on your life. I think this might be a good way to introduce a discussion on how we, and others, see and value ourselves.

I found it at the YMX forums and the online article can be found here.

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