Thursday, April 19, 2007

Top 10 students in the country

After years of research and anticipation. Here is it! The list of the top 10 students in the country. Yes, this is a legitimate list that can be used to measure your students by.

How did I put this list together? First, I selected the best youth groups in the country. Second, I found the top student in each group. Third, I ranked those top students in order. Finally, if a student is #11 or below they did not make my top 10 list.

Each student will be listed by first name (which may or may not be their real name). I will also list one brief statement about why each student made the list.

top 10 students in the country:
1. Mike - has been to every youth event since birth, including the "clean the toilets overnighter."
2. Melissa - has Ps. 119 memorized in Hebrew.
3. Shea - always laughs at youth minister's jokes.
4. Timmy - never speaks out of turn.
5. Amber - reads her Bible each morning and evening.
6. Roberto - has led prayer before class three years straight.
7. Raul - writes youth minister's newsletter articles, so the youth minister can have more time for relationships.
8. Jessica - kissed dating goodbye.
9. Dwight - best assistant to the youth minister.
10. Ralph - has a heart for the underdog. "Go banana"

I hope one of your students made the list.

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