Monday, May 21, 2007

Totally Wired: What Teens and Tweens Are Really Doing Online.

Guy Kawasaki has another great interview on his blog (May 20). This one is with Anastasia Goldstein (who covers Generation Y in her blog YPulse). On her new book: Totally Wired.

Its a good read, especially for anyone who works with teenagers. Here is one question I've talked about with students and others over the last year:

Question: Is banning MySpace and other social networks by schools a smart thing?

Answer: Blocking technology doesn’t teach teens how to use technology safely and ethically or how to think critically about the sites they visit. For many low income teens who still may not have computers or access to the internet at home, a school library, public library or federally funded after school program are often the only places they can participate in Web 2.0 at all. If we block and ban these sites, a whole population will miss out on what their peers have access to at home.

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