Monday, January 08, 2007

meeting last night

Had a meeting last night to talk about an upcoming event. All said and done, the meeting was alright (a few good points came out). But if had to do it over again, I won't show up.

This is an event we've done before and that I haven't been a part of. Myself and the youth team leaders want ot make sure things are done the same way with the same people b/c that is the way its always been done. Well last night there was a lot of "we've always done it this way" and some hesitation to see a need to change. Granted there was not a lot of time to show a need to change or that there has to be great changes. The really frustrating thing was not that, though.

Atleast twice during the meeting, people started talking negatively toward other churches in the area. They talk about how the local churches need to do more together and work closer with each other. Then they talk about how the way one church is doing something is so wrong and closeminded. It was frustrating to listen to the negativity. I have only been here about 7 months and I am the only fulltime youth minister in town. I just met one more part time ym this past week, which makes 3 total. With most of the congregations not having a youth program it is difficult to organize working together with them.

I just hate to hear people bash other churches for a method. If its their ministry then they can do it the way they want to. If we work with them, then we are doing just that, working with them. You don't go in and tell the Red Cross that you want to hold a blood drive but think it needs to be done your way.

just left the meeting feeling a little down. (also a few of the adults who have low self-esteem and I am struggling to work with them without "hurting" their feelings b/c they take everything personally.)


  1. I totally know what you mean. It's like everyone has it wrong than us. In my opinion, maybe not all churches are supposed to be exactly the same or even supposed to do exactly the same thing. What would be special or unique about us if every other church was the same? Diversity within unity is what I'm all about and it kinda ticks me off when people segregate based on stupid little stuff. We can all stand to be a little less judgmental and a little more accepting and loving.

  2. Its the same way that some Christians think all other Christians should be just like them. If we were all the same then life would be so much more boring. I like the "diversity within unity" wording. We are supposed to be unified, not clones of each other.
