Friday, November 14, 2008

NYWC '08: How to Get the Most From it

Recently, I had a friend ask me for some advice on how to make the most out of the convention. He is only going to be able to be there Thursday to Saturday and wanted to know if I had any insight on how to make the most of it. I thought I would take what I shared with him and expand it a little and post it here for anyone who might be going to the NYWC for the first time or who might just need some new ideas.

How to get the most from your time at the NYWC:

1. If you can afford it, take a Critical Concerns Course
2. Go to a class on something you need to do better within your ministry.
3. Listen to a teacher/speaker you normally wouldn't listen to.
4. Buy the mp3's to classes you don't make it to (not all of them, of course.)
5. If needed: sign up for a spiritual director or ministry consultant - or both.
6. Take time to quietly spend with God. Two convention offered options would be the labyrinth and the prayer room.
7. Go to lunch/dinner with a youth worker you do not know.
8. Take a nap, or two.... every day.
9. Encourage another youth worker.
10. Most of all, do not be worried about sticking to the schedule. Do what you need to do to get the most out of the convention.


  1. 11. If you don't like a class walk out and find another.
    12. Do some of the Sanctuary track.
